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Parents Are More Afraid of Violent Video Games Than Underage Drinking!?

Parents are more afraid of violent video games than underage drinking!?

Parents Are More Afraid of Violent Video Games Than Underage Drinking!? 1

i think is because kids drinking alcohol and watching porno is so hard for parents to handle. like beer is everywhere, and it ai not hard ot get your hands on it. and as for porn, just type it in on google and there ya go. it's just so easy to get hold of this stuff. but for video games you have to be 17 to buy M rated games. parents have at least some control on that. but hey i like those results :).

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How do I get my parents to let me play violent video games?

Ask them nicely

Parents Are More Afraid of Violent Video Games Than Underage Drinking!? 2

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Do Violent Video Games create Violent Children?

No. I think that violent people are going to be violent whether or not they play violent video games. If a person is unable to draw the line between what is and what is fiction, then it is they have a problem, its not the games fault. People cant blame games for their inability to control themselves.

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Is it ok for kids to play violent video games?

A violent video game is like ruff housing with a sibling.My little brother is 9 and plays COD my parents have no problem with him yelling at the game because he isnt always talking about "yea i want an m16 for my birthday" at 9 he is mature enough to realize it is only a game, and yes movies and games are only exciting to most just because it is...well natural its not boring its always adrenaline fast pacing action not what some might call "boring" hope this helps. .:)!.

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Do violent video games really bring children and teens to violence?

No. It actually kind of helps me release my anger

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How come different parents never let their teens play violent video games?

Yh Amber's right Parents are scared that u will do what u play on a game in real life Eg:killing games where u shoot people or stab ppl they worry that u will think that's ok I know u would not but that there stubborn way of thinking

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Pros and cons of violent video games?

Video game violence is not real. It has absolutely nothing to do with, and cannot be blamed for real world violence.video games are relatively new and people have always been violent

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If they ban violent video games..........?

They can not ban it but if they did i am write with you for banning TV and movies that are "bad"

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Do you think GTA and other violent video games help you become the Christian hypocrite you are today?

That's a wild generalization. I am 59 years old. I do not play video games. I have no idea what GTA is. Any human (Christian or non-believer) can be a hypocrite without video games. Hypocrisy is a human trait that convicts us all.

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Do you think violent video games lead to real world violence?

I do not think video games violence people do not by video games but because they want to cause violence. So after i read the article i conclude that video game violence is not real.. For safe and secure use of your smart phone, you also need Leo Privacy Guard app, largely reduce cellphone power consumption, extend battery life.

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Has your parent(s) ever let you play a rated M video game?

I am 24 now, but when I was a kid my parents did not care what I played. I guess it would have been when game ratings were new in the US, but in the mid '90s (I would have been in first grade in '94-'95) I played Mortal Kombat when there was controversy going on about that. And although I was a little older, like in my young teen years, I played the Grand Theft Auto games, among many other M-rated games. I do believe I even rented Conker's Bad Fur Day too, actually. And yeah, I do not understand why people worry so much about what their kids play. I certainly did not turn out to be a psychopath killer either (and beyond video games I watched violent horror movies at a young age and even read American Psycho in sixth grade). Really, if a kid is going to turn out evil, they are going to turn out that way anyway, with violent video games or not.

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