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Separator (oil Production) - Wikipedia

Separator (oil production) - Wikipedia

Separator (oil Production) - Wikipedia 1

The physical and chemical characteristics of the oil and its conditions of pressure and temperature determine the amount of gas it will contain in solution. The rate at which the gas is liberated from a given oil is a function of change in pressure and temperature. The volume of gas that an oil and gas separator will remove from crude oil is dependent on (1) physical and chemical characteristics of the crude, (2) operating pressure, (3) operating temperature, (4) rate of throughput, (5) size and configuration of the separator, and (6) other factors.

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Is this Krill oil product really good? And is 2 pills (the serving size) too much?

I take them everyday. They are far better than fish oil. Buy the ones you can afford and take them like it says on the bottle,, not how strangers on yahoo tell you

Separator (oil Production) - Wikipedia 2

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Why doesnu2019t Vietnam allow a military base for the USA in Cam Ranh? Isnu2019t it much easier for them to deter China agressiveness in SCS, protect its fishermen, and maybe have more successful oil production?

Because Vietnam deterence of China is only a part of a bigger whole: we dont want to pick side.Modern history had told that whenever Vietnam picked a side, we got into a mess. We picked the communist side in exchange for help to kick out the France, and the US ruin the countries with war. We picked the USSR during the Communist bloc schism, and we got into the Cambodian mess as well as tension with China for around 2 decades.So, Vietnam dont want to pick a side. And as far as near modern history go, and I would argue even as far as modern geopolitic go, giving a military base for any nation mean picking a side

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Who said, U.S. oil production grew more in 2012 than in any year in the history of the domestic industry?

The Contentious Otter

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People always say that I'm sweating or that I'm greasy looking. How can I cut down on the oil production?

Washing your hair too often can make it even more greasy, so only wash it every other day

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Liberals are saying that oil production is up do they know Liquefied natural gas is counted as oil?

can you actually source your source?

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Since dems seem to hate big oil, why would they want to hurt the small businesses in oil production?

They just do not understand the issue. Like the "big profits" that the "big oil" companies make - - they can not comprehend that drilling costs, which skyrocketed at an even faster rate than crude prices, are largely capitalized, meaning that for companies maintaining the same drilling levels, free cash flow is much lower than net income, and that if free cash flow is higher than net income it means that the company is reducing its drilling levels and thus its future earnings, which is why "big oil" companies trade at such low multiples. Seriously, you are expecting a Democrat to understand GAAP and basic investment theory - - if they understood finance, they would not be Democrats.

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pimples problem :how to get a clear skin ?

I would use Proactiv along with their Daily Oil Control-its a lotion that evens out oil production and it worked great for me. Also get a good lotion as Proactiv is very drying.

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Why does gasoline cost much less in the United States compared to what it costs in Germany?

The US is now self sufficient in oil production and have huge reserves that you do not find the same in Europe. I do not think I've ever seen an oil derrick pumping oil there. That makes oil and gas prices higher for Europe since they are living on imported oil and natural gas.

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As protest to the war lets all stop buying and using oil products. Any up for it?

Good idea That would free up the oil need for Bush to give to North Korea. Yesterday he promised Korea that he (America) would give North Korea all the oil they needed to make electricity. Go big Red Go

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Heavy oil production

Heavy oil production is a developing technology for extracting heavy oil in industrial quantities. Estimated reserves of heavy oil are over 6 trillion barrels, three times that of conventional oil and gas. Factors that affect the difficulty of putting reserves into production include permeability, porosity, depth and pressure. The density and viscosity of the oil is the determining factor. Density and viscosity determine the method of extraction. Oil viscosity varies with temperature and determines the ease of extraction; temperature can be controlled so that oil can be moved without employing additional techniques. Density is more important for refiners since it represents the yield after distillation. However, no relationship links the two. Oil reservoirs exist at varying depths and temperatures. Although viscosity varies significantly with temperature, density is the standard in oilfield classification. Crude oil density is commonly expressed in degrees of American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity which are associated with specific gravity. The lower the API gravity, the denser the oil. The API gravity of liquid crude oil ranges from 4º for tar rich in bitumen to condensates that have an API gravity of 70º. Heavy oils are classified between ultra-heavy oils and light oils. They have API gravities ranging between 10º and 20º. Crude oil generated by petroleum source rocks has an API gravity of between 30º and 40º. Crude oil becomes heavy after considerable degradation, after entrapment and during devolatilization. Degradation occurs through chemical and biological processes when oil reservoirs become contaminated by bacteria through subsurface water. The bacteria then break down some crude oil components into heavy components, making it more viscous. Water carries away low molecular weight hydrocarbons in solution form since they are more soluble. When crude oil is enclosed by a poor quality seal, lighter molecules separate and escape, leaving behind the heavier components through devolatilization. Heavy oils are commonly found in geologically young formations since they are shallow and have less efficient seals, providing the conditions for heavy oil formation.

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