The perfect choice of one-stop service for diversification of architecture.
In Amsterdam is a broad spectral range of attractions for recreational and social sightseeing. They range from exciting old buildings, like the Oude Kerk, to oddities including the Hash
1. is amsterdam bigger than the usa?
I would be embarrassed if I did not know that the city of Amsterdam was smaller than the US and was too lazy to look it up
2. I would like to travel from amsterdam, to hongkong, to Bali, to Kuala Lumpur and back to amsterdam. possible?
cover the sticker or take it off. shave, wear a clean shirt, be polite. no worries
3. From Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Lima (Peru) by flight?
The Air Europa route (AMS-Madrid-LIM) had a reasonable stopover in Madrid and was somewhat cheaper than the direct KLM flight. However, if you book sufficiently early, the difference may not be that much between the KLM and Air Europa flight.A reason to go for the more expensive KLM flight may be that the Air Europa flights seem to have a higher risk of being cancelled. My return trip in March 2012 was combined with two other Air Europa return flights (12h earlier and 24h earlier), impacting my holiday planning somewhat. If you have a scheduled trip in Peru, this might be impractical. With KLM you may have a smaller risk of this occurring. Given the price difference (when booking sufficiently early), I may personally opt for the direct flight next time
4. in 2012 will non dutch passport holders still be able to smoke cannabis in amsterdam coffee shops?
i cant tell you how much to save because airline tickets are gonna go up cause of oil
5. What is the best way to travel to Amsterdam London and Paris?
If your starting off in London, the chunnel would be a good way to get to Paris. Although, I would also check discount airline, such as ryanair and easy jet, because sometime (especially if you book in advance) you can get flights cheaper than train tickets. And from my experience, security etc. does not usually take that much time, especially when traveling via discount airlines. Same advice goes for Amsterdam. If you go Paris-Amsterdam, you can get there by train, but check airfare just in case. If you go back to London in between each mini-trip you could also look into a rail pass (; otherwise, visiting Paris and Amsterdam at the same time might be your best and cheapest option. No specific hotel advice. Just shop around for the best deals. I've been to all three places, and am jealous you will be there during the holidays!
6. When is the best time to go to Amsterdam, Europe?
Springtime was nice, a bit chilly but not too cold in Amsterdam. I do not live there but really enjoyed visiting last month. Italy was really nice in March as well. I went a couple of years ago. Fall seems like it would be a fun time to go as well. I would not go in summer as it seems like that's when it's most touristy. Much of Italy gets really hot and humid during the summer
7. How did Amsterdam become so famous?
It is the main seaport and many of the US people embarked from there. They also have peep shows
8. Train from Amsterdam to Brussels ticket info?
Trian prices you could check through In general it is affordable, but I think Eurolines could be cheaper. It's a bustravel company.
9. Is Amsterdam a safe place for a woman to travel alone?
Avoid the east and west outskirts of the city after dark, especially if you are white. Rest should be about as safe as any other big european city
10. People who have been to amsterdam?
It is the strongest weed you will ever find. I wish it was not though, then people would not come to this country and treat it like a drugs and prostitution service.
11. Whats the best whiskey to drink?
Let me mention the best three whiskeys I've had. 1) Like others here Makers Mark is good. Very full flavor yet extremely smooth. You really can not to wrong. I can pick it up on sale for