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Are These Fine Examples of Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Results?

Pretty funny question. The liberals are always blasting conservatives for putting their children into private schools And as is her custom, Jesi gave you a much better answer than you deserved.

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it is called freedom. It is some thing we enjoy in the united state of America.You should read about It. Any citizen can do and think what he or she wants to without government interference


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I don't know it will be practically feasible but here is one dirty hack:I know, there are lot of plus-minus things you have to consider to achieve this.

After all, it's a dirty hack


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you can use a monkey hook. they work really well for items that are heavy. just use multiple hooks for heavier ------

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its what the Democrats have done since the days of FDR they have done their very best to create a government run monopoly and legalize extortion in the form of taxation


Another example of liberal intrusion into our daily lives? While I think these businesses take advantage of?

The businesses do exploit their customers. But the government crackdown probably comes as much from the fact that they take market share away from banks as from any real desire to protect consumers


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Fight the power!! Listen, Our freedoms are regulated for our saftey and well being. Yes you and I may not agree with these regulations but there are plausible reason for these regulations.


I hate women. And this is an example of why?

women are psycho. shes probably jealous of you hitting on her friend. get rid of these people and dont ever talk to them again if they're going to be verbally abusive


Looking around, I'm amazed at the sheer number of people here who don't have the first damn clue about?

Speaking of not having a handle on the language, did you know that swearing and cursing are used by uneducated people as a crutch for not having the vocabulary necessary to express themselves intelligently?


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Transfer to a community college and receive an AA then transfer back to a school that has an AA program that does not carry over your old GPA. Did this with CCBC/Towson university. Your gpa resets itself


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This is another example of how biz screws consumer for profits. Who will test or find this stuff without government? They were substituting flounder with catfish. Free markets can not govern themselves


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Absolutely not. Anybody that says the military has not heard about the wasteful spending in Iraq. We bought supplies and equipment that didn't work properly and paid for bad electric lines and water pipes


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Possibly. There are special bags that can be bought to protect film, however airline security may want to see inside them. Talk to the staff before hand, there maybe nothing to worry about


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physical mental and sexual compatibility are all equally important- dont underestimate mental compatibility-just like sexual incompatibility it can frustrate you-here you are analysing and reading between the lines and there he is looking blank


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There are two ways you can do this:Use Google Advanced Search to specify the language.Add a language parameter to your search query. For Russian, the parameter is &lrlang_ru.


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yeah i agree like the person who keeps entering the question do not click here how many times does this site let you keep asking the same dumb question it really is annoying me how about you?


Are any of you yahooers prepared to join my campaign to force Americans to speak our language proper??

Since Americans saved your white British behind in World War II, we get to speak our language however we want. And you can speak your bloody language however you want, you arrogant British snob


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Only everyone except the neocons. They're so dumb that they don't want someone really intellectual and brilliant in office because it makes them feel bad about themselves. They're not intelligent so they're jealous of everyone who is


Is this an example of the kind of reform McCain will bring to Washington? ?

and if Obama had actually DONE ANYTHING we might have some ammo to look at his reform measures. All Obama seems to have done is reform himself to dupe half of America


Microsoft Publisher 2013 change Language (or other properties) for multiple elements at once

I wrote a crude macro to do this:If you replace "21514" (Spanish (United States)) with the code for another language, you should be fine. Just run it from the VBA editor (AltF11)


Religions that practice sexual repression, are they creating the sexual deviants of society?

Most religious organisations prefer you to practice celibacy. It all is a matter of self control for the individual and not a dictum for religions. We all have the freedom to choose what is right and wrong.


How do I determine the size of a machined brass screw?

Virtually all the big box home supply stores have a thread gauges mounted in the hardware section where they have the screws and bolts. Its simple to use them to match the broken one


Now that the GDP contracted by .001%, how much longer with Republicans wait until the next one?

Did Bush ever have a quarter where the economy contracted? What was the average unemployment when Bush was in office? Did Bush ever try to get authority to unilaterally drone strike U.S. citizens without trial?


Another question about that screw driver?

That is a torx protection screw with a stud..You can purchase at such a lot hardware shops that experience a well software provide..I understand harbour freight incorporates them. .however besides this can be a protection screw


ATX Motherboard installation help?

in the case their should be pins you screw into it that the motherboard goes onto and screw into the screw things should be inside a bag that came with your case


Should the federal government be given more money and power over more of the economy?

i am for gradually increasing state powers and taxation authority and a retreat of the bloated federal government to foreign affairs, international trade issues, defense, central banking, and overall economic policies


Why does the liberal way of thinking not make much sense?

Its true. I think these Keynesian theory ideas have actually been programed into the minds of most of our presidents. Neither Democrats or Republicans have learned to let the free market and the price system work


How come 50% of marriages end in divorce?

Because people have the delusion that a little piece of paper issued by the government will make their relationship with this other person so much better. When they realize that's all BS they divorce


I need examples of old hondas with new or rebuilt drive trains so i dont get screwed by liberty mutual?

Insurance providers do not appraise the value of any vehicle based on any mechanic upgrades or resent servicing or maintenance. This is industry standard. All insurance carriers base any payouts purely on current market value


Exporting Linux shares to Linux clients with no per-share group authentication and no permission issues

It sounds like you are looking for NFS user-id mapping, to be found in NFS v4 with per-user mounts. Don't share the mount between users, each get's their own mounted as their user with squash


Should I use ECB or CBC encryption mode for my block cipher?

ECB is not secure, it leaks information. CBC is better. But if you need random access to your file Use CTR mode.For more information about Block cipher modes of operation see the Wikipedia article


True or false: Some Pit Bulls and other breeds ARE monsters?

well im against cross breeding i only like original breeds if there were no cross breeding pittbulls probably wont even exist. cuz pit bull is not an original breed, they are an abomination.


Why is it that hollywood can have children act out sex scenes but children get charged for sexting?

The difference is in the context, one is art, the other child abuse. Art is protected under the freedom of speech, child abuse even if done by the person being abused is not protected under any circumstances


What are the different types of horror violence?

i think you answered the types of violence yourself. the difference between violence and gore is gore is blood and insides and violence is the act of slicing someone open to expose all the gorey stuff


How does the legislative branch relfect the needs and opinions of the people?

It's only possible by maintaining limits of power, otherwise the minority ends up compromising their values or way of life, at the discretion of the majority--which is not the purpose of a constitutional republic


Do you think that celebrities having babies out of wedlock is sending the wrong message to our kids?

What does celebrity have to do with our children we need to instill all we can in our own children lead good lives so our children can follow in our footsteps . Celebrities are not gods


Cons, can you give me an example of how Obama has ruined our nation?

You are missing the big picture, he has continued the proven failures of his predecessors. He can be faulted for wrecking the country for this reason. The hope and change campaign was pure Bolshoi.


Do we need to change the definition of evolution?

the definition you read is wrong because word evolution is defined asageneration of diversity and shaping the diversity by environmental selection. so the definition of evolution is correct and need not to be revised


Network port mounting bracket/box

This type is a little deeper than the example that you gave and might accommodate having a couple of holes drilled in one side and then driving screws through them into a stud


How do I positively acknowledge a mistake I made to my manager? duplicate

Provided you have the time to explain, follow the following method for explaining the mistake positively. I have detailed this with examples. If you can think up a good acronym for this that may be helpful!


Why do people buy insurance even if they have the means to overcome the loss?

But why do rich people do it too? Because they've got "deep pockets", and thus tend to get sued more frequently and for larger amounts.Therefore they need more insurance than "regular people"


Aren't Michigan and California great examples of the end result of Liberal policies?

Just remember that California has the 7th largest economy in the world, even with the recession and our excess tax dollars go to help fund the 3rd world state that you probably live in


Is this an example of "Change You Can Believe in"?

I think that hard-working Americans should have all of their money taken from them, and given to people who need it more. Wealth should be based on need, not on accomplishments


Does Yahoo Answers suck? And why? What does it say about democracy?

You solicit personal opinions which are a violation for chat. The others require knowledge in that particular field. If there is already a great answer posted then most users will ignore the question.


Are two toggle buttons better than a tri-state switch?

If you do not mind hiding the available options at first glance, you can also use a combo instead of radio buttons that could save you some column width.download bmml source Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups


Is the movie The Sound of Music evil?

I agree. A nun is hardly the right person to be trusted with the care of kids. Thier disregard for the proper athorities and fleeing from the law of the land are bad examples for youngsters


Has feminism simply become a supporting arm of the Democratic party?

someone has to be. The republican party hype machine owns Fox news and every am radio show host. they attack obama at every chance and cry like a little girl anytime someone attacks a republican


How to selectively import and export content between 2 Drupal websites?

No code solution:Use Feeds to import the data. But first, you'll need to create a CSV of your data. You can use Views Data Export.Now that you have a CSV, simply import using feeds.

Are These Fine Examples of Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Results? 1

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