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Incremental Backup and Sync Software [closed]

I wrote my own, as a Python script. It uses md5sum to detect changed files, and copies them to a standard backup subdirectory within each working directory. Each backed up file has the same file name, with a suffix, such as _1, _2, etc...This was easier when I used VMS, which made backup versions of changed files automatically.

Incremental Backup and Sync Software [closed] 1

1. n sync or the backstreet boys?

Say you were at a club who would you dance with? Girl 1 or girl 2?

2. How do I fix Google framework on my cell phone?

Go to accounts, under the google account Uncheck sync on the calendar. Then (go to settings - apps - manage apps - all) Clear the data and cache of all calendar apps, the google calendar sync and the google services framework, Then reboot the phone and turn sync back on.

Incremental Backup and Sync Software [closed] 2

3. my internet cuts in and out what do i do?

I would call Quest. There could be a small short out in the field or something on your pair. The Quest field tech can test your NID in the basement of the apartment, or even test your cable pair to see if they come up with a short, noise or something like that. I've seen that quite a bit. The wind or other things can move the cable pair and cause it to be slow and shotty if it has a short, or sometimes it will cause your DSL modem to lose sync overall.

4. Sync drums to song?

If you have these programs you can do it. You can program the drums with Reason and put it on as a plugin on a stereo Aux track and it will sync exactly. Tempo and everything. You record this Aux track by throwing the output on lets say Bus 1-2 (since it would be stereo) and then make a new stereo audio track and make the input Bus 1-2, then simply press record and you got it. If you are sticking with acoustic drums, make sure you use a click track (metronome) on an Aux track and make sure the tempo is set right, then just practice it a few times and hit record, if you can not get it right, just program them or find yourself a drummer. Since you have good parts, just cut the bad ones out and replace them with a click track or metronome playing in your ears if youre sticking with acoustic drums

5. how to sync ftp folder with local folder?

The script you are searching for might be FTPSync

6. Clarke-Park transform for a 3 phase induction motor current

As you have stated when this approach has been applied to a PM synchronous motor the expected results are obtained.This is because, as the name implies, the electrical frequency & the rotor frequency are proportional to the polecount - Synchronous machines only generate torque at sync speed.Unfortunately with Induction machines the rotor frequency is proportional to the pole count AND slip - Induction machines only generate torque at any speed BUT sync speed -> rotor $omega$ is less than electrical $omega$The use of rotor angle as an input to the park&clark therefore will not work in the same way with induction machines. What is required is a slip frequency calculation block to infer the electrical angle, the angle which can be used in the C&P transforms

7. How to detect the rising edge of a pulse that is not in sync with the clock

Here is the way it works. If you have a pulse, assuming voltages are OK, it will be detected at clock N if it meets the setup and hold time for clock N. If it is too late to be detected at clock N, it will be detected at clock N1. If the timing is marginal, it may be detected either at clock N or clock N1, there is no way to know ahead of time. Please note that there is a minimum detectable pulse width. If the pulse is too narrow, it may not be detected at all. Generally, "too narrow" means less than one sample clock period (but you need to work it through with the setup and hold time specifications to fully understand the minimum pulse width). So if the minimum pulse is less than one clock cycle, then there is the possibility of missing a pulse. Welcome to the joys of asynchronous design.Depending on what you are interested in, there are all kinds of things you could do. You could have the pulse enable an analog integrator so that pulses can be counted in an analog way, then occasionally sample and reset the integrator to avoid overflow.If pulse timing is what you are most interested in, you can start an integrator on the pulse rising edge, then sample the analog voltage output of the integrator with an ADC synchronous to the digital sampling. Then you convert the ADC voltage to elapsed time. This will allow you to figure out the time of the pulse with sub clock accuracy and precision.Have fun!

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