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LISTEN NOW: the Making of the OB1 on the Gravel Ride Podcast

It was an honor to be interviewed by Craig Dalton at his studio in Marin County. The Gravel Ride Podcast offers an inside look at the personalities, organizations, and technologies that are shaping the bikes we ride and how we ride them.Together we dug deep into the thinking that went into the OB1 bike and the business model that is allowing us to deliver it for such a revolutionary price.

LISTEN NOW: the Making of the OB1 on the Gravel Ride Podcast 1

We also talk about how the industry works behind-the-scenes, dispelling a few treasured myths along the way.Having a bike in the closet that enabled me to ride on the road, ride on gravel and occasionally get out there and do some light touring or bike packing really was a revelation. Your bike can do it all.

Craig DaltonYou can check out that interview and view the transcript here. We hope youll give it a listen and send us your questions and feedback.- Randall

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