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To All the Yesterdays and More Tomorrows

A happy birthday from the dawn till dusk! Rejoice each second hidden in Times husk! Drink from Lifes essence filled with joys and sorrowsTo all the yesterdays and more tomorrows!

To All the Yesterdays and More Tomorrows 1

Our birthdays are the feathers of Times wingswaving alike for beggars and for kings.We celebrate with our friends and foes.To all the yesterdays and more tomorrows!

Older the fiddler, sweeter is the tune! The Light from heavens seems by seconds strewn.The Birthday Man raising the glass he vowsTo all the yesterdays and more tomorrows!

Youre born a masterpiece, a luxe edition! Life wrote your pages without intermission. The Birthday Man thanks Life and all its borrowers: For all the yesterdays and more tomorrows!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dearest friend!

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